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The zip code for Indianapolis

The zip code for Indianapolis

Zip code:46201,46202,46203,46204,46205,46206,46207,46208,46209、46211、46214、46216,46217,46218,46219,46220,46221,46222,46223,46224,46225,46226,46227,46228,46229,46230,46231、46234,46235,46236,46237、46239,46240,46241,46242、46244、46247、46249,46250,46251、46253,46254,46255,46256、46259、46260、46266、46268、46274、46275、46277、46278、46280、46282、46283、46285、46290、46291、46295、46296、46298

Indianapolis, in, USA) is Indiana's largest city, the capital, the fourth big state capital (after Georgia, Atlanta, Colorado, Denver and Arizona Arizona Phoenix). Located in central Indiana, across the White River, 240 kilometers northwest from Chicago. The urban area of 911.7 square kilometers. A population of 800167. Which accounted for 69.09% of whites, blacks accounted for 25.5%. Indianapolis Marion County, administrative listed county government unity, the city accounted in Marion County, most of the area, the county and another eight independent city town. The metropolitan area including the nearby Marion, Hendrix, Hamilton, Boone, Morgan, Johnson, Scher, Hancock more than 8 counties.

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