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The zip code for Honolulu

The zip code for Honolulu

Zip code:96801,96802,96803,96804,96805,96806,96807,96808,96809,96810,96811,96812,96813,96814,96815,96816,96817,96818,96819,96820,96821,96822,96823,96824,96825,96826,96827,96828、96830、96835,96836,96837,96838,96839,96840,96841,96842,96843,96844、96846,96847,96848,96849,96850

Honolulu is Hawaii's capital and port city. In the Hawaiian language, Honolulu means "shield of the bay" or "land of the shield." Because early local rich sandalwood, and a large number shipped back to China, the Chinese called Honolulu. Located in the North Pacific Hawaiian Islands of Oahu in the southeast corner, extending the riverside plains. 217㎞² urban area population of about 37 million. Oahu metropolitan area including the counties, area 1544㎞² population of about 850,000, about 4/5 of the state's population. Mild climate, with an average annual temperature of 24 ℃, annual rainfall of over 600 mm. Early Polynesian village, due to the early 19th century as a whaling base sandalwood trade and the rise in 1850 as the capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Hawaii in 1898 attributable to the United States, a city in 1909, in 1959 became the state capital.

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