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The zip code for Columbus

The zip code for Columbus

zip code:31901,31902,31903,31904、31906,31907,31908,31909、31914、31917、31993、31994、31997,31998,31999

Columbus is the third largest city in Georgia, was named the 100 livable cities fourth Best Life magazine. Columbus total population of 280,000 people, is a lively, vibrant city. Since the military facility near the world's largest base of Fort Benning, Columbus became the seat of the United States and many other well-known corporate headquarters, such as Aflac insurance company, Carmack Pictures, kitchen treasure, global payment solutions provider TSYS, Lance Snack Foods.

It has famous universities Columbus State University, Columbus State University, founded in 1958, which opened in the country enjoy the professional praise. The school has two facilities, unique style campus. The main campus is located a few miles northeast of downtown Columbus at Riverside Park campus is located in downtown Columbus, the beautiful river, opening of the main fine arts.

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